b'Yves Gaucher: G - BL - N - RYves Gaucher (19342000) began painting in 1964 after being influenced by work of American artists Barnett Newman and Mark Rothko. He began working in hard-edge abstraction along with Guido Molinari and Claude Tousignant in his suite of Square Dance paintings (1965).Gaucher along with others in the Plasticiens used hard edges and geometric shapes with carefully selected colours to explore the foundations of painting, a result of which Gaucher received international representation in the 1960s. He was represented by Martha Jackson Gallery in New York, who also represented the arists Sam Francis, Barbara Hepworth, Morris Louis and Paul-Emile Bourduas.Gaucher represented Canada at the Venice Biennale along with Alex Colville and Sorel Etrog in 1966. In the following years, Gauchers work was characterized by large canvases exploring the subtle interaction between colour beginning with his Grey on Grey paintings before moving onto more vibrant, colourful works. G - BL - N - R (1993) is made up of three separate canvases, and we can see the evidence of his earlier works on a smaller scale. The interaction of colour from one panel to the next and the truncated triangle on the left panel speaks to his Jericho paintings of the mid-1970s to the early 1980s. Gauchers work has been featured in multiple important galleries, including the National Gallery of Canada in Ottawa, the Museum of Modern Art in New York City, and the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. He was awarded the Order of Canada in 1981.'